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A while back, a friend approached me with a question. He said, “My friend is struggling with pornography and similar things, and he wants to put an end to it. But, I don’t know how to help him. We’re both Christians, and I’m trying my best. Since you don’t watch it and you’re a Christian, do you have any advice?” At first, I was caught off guard by his question. However, in retrospect, I realize that I shouldn’t have been surprised. In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded by various kinds of stimuli, and modern technology provides us with instant gratification. This constant assault leaves us vulnerable to such addictions.
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Online Safety a Top Concern for Parents
To help illustrate the scale of this issue, let’s review some statistics. In 2023, the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health surveyed a representative sample of parents from across the country and asked them to rate their level of concern about various health topics. The results showed that internet safety was ranked number 3, social media was ranked number 2, and overuse of devices/screen time was ranked number 1. The “Crimes Against Children Research Center” also conducted a study and found that 1 in 5 young people received a sexual approach or solicitation over the internet in the previous year. Unfortunately, this number is continuously increasing, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Porn’s Devastating Impact on Marriages
Up until this point, I have only discussed the impact of porn on children, but what about young adults in their 20s and 30s? Unfortunately, our society views porn as a normal and positive thing, claiming it liberates women or makes jokes about male porn use. However, we cannot ignore the fact that porn actively destroys over 500,000 marriages annually. I haven’t even gotten into the health effects porn has on young men. Or the social impacts porn has on young women.
Finding Freedom from Porn
There is no denying the fact that pornography has become a widespread and concerning issue in modern society. While I could provide countless studies that show the scale of the problem, we must know that the numbers alone do not offer a solution. To help individuals overcome their addiction to pornography, We need to change get up and do something. For example, numerous Christian ministries and organizations offer support and resources for individuals struggling with porn addiction. For example, Covenant Eyes is an organization that is dedicated to helping people “break the cycle” and defeat porn addiction together. Similarly, you have Daily Disciple, a social media ministry that produces a wealth of content on the topic of pornography and other relevant social issues. By offering guidance and support, these organizations try to help individuals overcome their porn addiction and lead a healthier and happier life.
Rediscovering Your Identity
When it comes to the issue of pornography, I have observed that many people tend to place the blame on external factors such as social media or modern technology. While I admit these factors may play a role in the issue, I believe that it is essential to take personal responsibility for one’s actions. In my experience, I have found that people who approach me to discuss their struggle with pornography usually have convictions about it. My personal approach is to help them reinforce those convictions and make them even stronger and more apparent. In this article, I will outline some Bible verses and arguments that may help reinforce and strengthen these convictions.
The Bible’s Clear Stance on Sexual Immorality
The first step that we need to take is to reinforce our understanding of who Jesus is. We should abandon the notion of a “buddy Jesus” and accept that he is the Lord, King, and God Almighty. This means that Jesus is the ruler over us, the king of all things, and the God of our lives. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Paul warns us that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. He lists various types of people, including the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, and swindlers. He emphasizes that these people will not enter the kingdom of God, which means that they will not go to Heaven or the New Earth. Now let’s take a closer look at the types of people listed by Paul, specifically the sexually immoral, adulterers, and homosexuals. All of these are connected to sex, which shows that God deeply cares about how we use it. Watching pornography, for example, requires that you act sexually immoral and commit adultery. Jesus himself tells us in Matthew 5:28, “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Dying to Ourselves
Another part of removing the “buddy Jesus” notion is to have a better understanding of your role as a Christian. It’s not merely about showing up to the right church on Sunday nor is it merely about doing the right things. Instead, we need to realize it’s about surrendering ourselves or better said dying to ourselves and allowing Christ to live through us. This is a difficult but necessary part of being a Christian.
In John 12:24-25, Jesus uses the analogy of a grain of wheat to explain this concept. He tells us that unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. This means that in order for us to truly live a fruitful life, we must be willing to die to our own desires and allow Christ to guide us.
This concept is further emphasized in 2 Corinthians 5:17, where Paul explains that when we become Christians, we are made new. The old ways of living and thinking are replaced with a new way of life, one that is centered around Christ.
In Matthew 16:24-26, Jesus instructs us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. He warns that those who try to save their own life will lose it, but those who lose their life for his sake will find it. This means that we must be willing to let go of our own desires and passions and follow Christ, even if it means sacrifice and hardship.
The Priority of Love: Putting God First in Our Lives
Being a Christian means loving God above everything else, including our own lives, passions, and desires. As Jesus explains in Mark 12:29-31, the most important commandment is to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. This requires us to let go of our selfish desires and embrace a life of love, service, and sacrifice.
So, ask yourself: are you living a life that pleases God? Are you willing to let go of your own desires and follow Christ, no matter the cost?
To remove the notion of “buddy Jesus” and have a deeper understanding of our relationship with Him, we must ask ourselves whether Jesus is really our Lord. In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus teaches us that not everyone who calls Him “Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of His Father in heaven. Many may claim to have prophesied in His name, cast out demons, or done mighty works in His name, but Jesus will declare that He never knew them and demand them to depart from Him. These teachings may be difficult to take in, however, they are necessary to instill a healthy fear of God within us. This fear should not be based on terror but instead on awe and reverence. We must recognize God for who He truly is, not as a casual friend or a miracle worker, but as the Almighty King of our lives. If you feel a sense of fear when reading these words, know that it is a good thing, for as Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”